Mt. Gilead State Park
Mt. Gilead State Park in Ohio K-1979. This was my first bicycle activation as well as my first activation using my DIY 40 Meter Shortened Vertical Antenna. It worked great with my QCX-mini. Made 12 QSO’s that day.
My friend, WG8X was also camping at the park, so after activating, I rode over to his campsite and hung out with him for a while. It was a great day!

Cuyahoga Valley Park
Cuyahoga Valley National Park K-0020 near Cleveland. I like to go to the Ledges Overlook. Here is a google maps link. There is plenty of parking, and the Ledges trail is beautiful!
My second activation here was during the Ohio VHF+Simplex contest where I made 11 6 meter QSO’s. This gave me one more park towards obtaining the POTA 6-Pack award, which I eventually got on 06/02/2021.
This is my typical operating position when activating a park. I have a Raspberry Pi computer that uses KM4ACK’s Rpi install which sets up the Pi as its own wifi hotspot. I then use VNC to control the Pi, which controls the FT-857.
In the past, I was using my go-frame featured on my QRZ page. However I recently added another FT-857 and Pi computer as a permanent installation into the Jeep.
I also carry a 60 watt foldable solar panel I put on the roof. I use it to charge the Jeep battery. I have plenty of 12V power to run 100 watts when its sunny. I also have a Boienno 20 AH battery for evening operations.
Setup is quick, and I am usually on the air in less than 3 minutes.

Marblehead Lighthouse
POTA activation at Marblehead Lighthouse, K-3519 on the south shore of Lake Erie in Ohio
I made 107 SSB QSO’s and 12 FT8 QSO that day. I wasn’t paying attention to the time, and made one QSO just after 0000 UTC which counted as a failed activation since I had 1 QSO on the following day.
When activating and you are nearing 0000 UTC, stay a few minutes longer to get at least 10 QSO’s. That way it counts as 2 activations since your QSO’s are in two different days.
Mohican Firetower
A good place to activate Mohican-Memorial State Forest, K-5444 is at the fire tower. The park boundary can be confusing since this is next to Mohican State Park, K-1977.
Parking is limited, but its quite high. I have activated from here several times. When I finished building my QCX-mini QRP transceiver, this is where I went to try it out.
One of these days I plan on taking my QCX mini up on the fire tower and activating from there. Presently I am mulling over antenna options.

Funk Bottoms
Funk Bottoms Wildlife Area near Wooster Ohio, K-8269. Access is via a long dirt lane with swamp on both sides. Unless you have 4WD, its probably a good idea activate when its dry and in the summer.
Instead of using the 100 watt fold up solar panels I now mostly use a fold up 60 watt panel and just place it on the roof of the jeep.
This is my first use of digital FT8 mode on a POTA activation. I use a Raspberry Pi computer that is built into my go-frame on the right side of the photo. I have more detailed info on my QRZ page if you are interested in this setup. It works great!
I’m not sure what park this was in, probably Malabar Farm as its only a few miles from my house.

Alum Creek
It was a hot day when I activated Alum Creek State Park in Ohio, K-1933. Having been here before, I knew there wasn’t much shade but there is a big parking lot. So I operated out of the rear hatch of the Jeep and brought along a beach umbrella.
Made a total of 167 QSO’s that day.
Pugh Cabin @ Malabar
The opening scene of the movie Shawshank Redemption was shot at this cabin located at Malabar Farm in Ohio, K-1974. Its a great area to hike and activate from – just not at this cabin. Its in the valley.
If you are into hiking, and activating on foot, there is a nice uphill hike to the left of this photo. Travel light with your radio gear though!