Since we are at the peak of solar cycle 25, the bands wee really hopping! We worked Czechoslovakia, Argentina, Germany, Cuba, Cayman Islands, and Australia! Australia was Laura’s contact, which was the farthest away from us.
As usual, we all had a great time this year at Field Day. One visitor that never showed up this time was Murphy – Thankfully! Laura made 215 digital QSO’s and I made 230 CW QSO’s. Even though she did most of the operating, I was still able to make more contacts than her – not that we aren’t competitive or anything!
Our final tally was: 5020 points with a power multiplier of 5X.
Our bonus point breakdown was as follows:
- 100% Emergency Power
- Formal message to ARRL SM – via Winlink
- W1AW Field Day message
- Formal messages handled – via Winlink
- Natural power – Solar
- Youth Participation
- Web submission
Here is a map of areas we worked

We are already looking forward to the ARRL Field Day next year!

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