The radio setup we use is my go-frame that has a Yaesu FT-857D, an LDG autotuner, a WinKeyer, a SignalLink, and a Raspberry Pi for CAT control and logging. It also connects to my wifi. We then use VNC running on an iPad to remotely control the Raspberry Pi computer. To run QRP for Field Day, its just a simple matter of turning down the power to 5 watts. This go-frame works great for me and is a real work horse.
When it comes to field Day, my daughter is a real dynamo when it comes to the digital modes. She just runs with it. Here she is running FT8 in the shack – sporting the very classy FD2024 Field Day hat.

This year it was rather hot and humid. So Saturday was spent in the basement where its quite comfortable. I don’t have AC, so the basement it is. Now as far as hijacking Field Day, that might be a bit of a stretch. Honestly I let her operate as much as she wants, which is usually most of the time.
She was more comfortable with my setup this year, so I showed her how to change bands and get the autotuner to do its thing. After that, she was REALLY good to go.

Even my 8 year old grandson got to do some FT8. He loved it! He even volunteered to run the late shift while we were sleeping. Well buddy – you need to get your license first! Maybe by next year he will have it. One thing for sure – he loves amateur radio!
Also notice that they aren’t in the basement but rather on the back porch. That is one nice thing about the go-frame, it connects to the wifi of the house. Oh by the way, it too can (and was..) run off-grid.
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