The Results:
After I put on the new cover for the junction box, I re-installed the defective solar panel back up on the roof. Fortunately, there were several days of clear sunny skies so I could get good before / after readings from the Enphase app.
The photo below shows daily production of the defective solar panel between two good units before I repaired it. I have circled the bad solar panel. As you can see, the panel circled in orange has an output of approximately two thirds of the panels on either side.

The next photo shows the daily production of the repaired solar panel between two good units.As you can see, the output of the repaired solar panel is nearly identical to the panels on either side.

I am pleased with the results of repairing the broken solar panel. I have learned a lot, and also saved me having to buy a replacement solar panel for my system.
If you are interested in my solar panel installation, click here.
— Mike WB8ERJ
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