Winkeyer Configuration
Since my favorite mode when running Winter Field Day is CW, integrating a Winkeyer into the Field Day rig is essential. WFDlogger does that quite well. Additionally, Mike has added a new CW feature in the CW Macro portion of WFDlogger where you can toggle between “run” mode vs “search and pounce” mode. This feature is located next to the gear icon. This allows you to have two sets of macros depending on which operating mode you are on.
In order to send the macros to Winkeyer, you can use cwdaemon or Mike’s PyWinkeyer. I chose to use PyWinkeyer which was easy to set up. PyWinKeyer uses port 8000.
The image below shows FDlogger’s settings for PyWinkeyer.

Installing PyWinKeyer
PyWinkeyer is easy and similar to installing WFDlogger. Just go to Mike’s PyWinkeyer github page here:
Like previously stated, just use pip to install PyWinKeyer. Just open up a terminal and type the following:
pip install winkeyerserial
Make sure your Winkeyer is plugged in before you run this program. In the upper right is a drop down where you can select which port your Winkeyer is on. In my case, my Winkeyer is on port /dev/ttyUSB1. Yours might be different.
Once the port is selected, you should be able to send text to your winkeyer.

Configuring PyWinKeyer for WFDlogger
Setting up Winkeyer to work with WFDlogger is quite easy. In the folder where wfdogger runs there is a text file called cwmacros.txt. Its really straight forward to figure out and edit to customize it for your needs. For a complete description of how to set up the cwmacros.txt file for your needs, Mike has a good explanation in his manual on his github page. For a quick example, in my case I wanted my F2 key to send the Winter Field Day exchange for my station when I was in “run” mode. Which was 1H OH. So the line for my F2 key would be:
Is the program updated with the new categories at all?
Yes it has been updated with the new categories. Good luck!
— Mike