With Winter Field Day approaching, having used K6GTE‘s excellent Field Day Logger on the Raspberry Pi, his Winter Field Day logging program, WFDlogger was the obvious choice for me. As with FieldDayLogger, WFDlogger works with Winkeyer. Which for me is a requirement for any contest logging software.
This year’s Winter Field Day will be my first attempt using WFDlogger and at first glance it looks to be a great fit for those of us using a Raspberry Pi for logging.
WFD logger features include:
- Radio polling via flrig or rigctld
- Cloudlog, QRZ, HamDB, HamQTH usage
- N1MM packets for Node-Red Dashboard
- XPlanet marker file
- Super Check Partial
- Section partial check
- DUP checking
- Support is provided for both cwdaemon and PyWinkeyer
- CW Macros
- Client / Server configuration for multi-transmitters
- Chat Window
- Cabrillo and ADIF file generation for Contest submission
Here is a screenshot of WFDlogger’s main screen:

As you can see, it has a similar look and feel to the infamous N3FJP Winter Field Day software but with a different color scheme. I prefer it to N3JFP’s default color scheme as its easier on the eyes. WFDlogger uses the same keystrokes as the N3JFP software. If you are familiar with N3FJP’s software, then the transition to WFDlogger will be easy for you.
Is the program updated with the new categories at all?
Yes it has been updated with the new categories. Good luck!
— Mike