6. Gently open the starting powder. Be careful not to spill it. Also be careful not to shake it up, as in the bottom of the container, the powder is different than the rest. The stuff at the very bottom is required to ignite the powder. Pour the starting powder into the mold. Check the container to make sure you have poured in all of the starting powder.
7. Place the Ceramic Lid on top of the mold.
8. To help insure the molten metal doesn’t leak out, or blow through the bottom gasket, I add plumber’s putty to the underside of the mold, and around where the copper wires enter the mold. Here is a photo of the mold with the plumber’s putty, loaded and ready to go:

9. Ignite the the Starting powder through the opening at the top of the mold. You can purchase a separate flint gun, but in my opinion, they are marginal. I have attempted to light the starting powder with a propane torch, and that doesn’t work either. The best way I have found is to use a plain old 4th of July type sparkler.Be careful when lighting your Cadweld Uni-shot, as it is quite firey! Be ready to quickly step back. You are responsible for your own safety.
Here is a video of a Cadweld one-shot being lit. As you can see, it is quite volitale. Make sure you are wearing protective clothing, and safety goggles.
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