Bringing It All Together
Once everything is configured and properly running to your liking, its nice to put everything together in a shell script. Below is the shell script I use for my particular setup. Obviously your will be different depending on how you have configured FDlogger and your particular radio.
# This starts the Field Day Logger program
# as well as PyWinkeyer
# First Start PYwinKeyer
cd /home/pi/pywinkeyerserial
./ &
# Start rigctl in the background
rigctld -m 1022 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 4800 &
# Start FieldDayLogger
cd /home/pi/FieldDayLogger-main
killall rigctld
cd $HOME
I’ve gotten around to adding multi-station networking support.
Great write-up! See ya on the air next Field Day.
73, Mike K6GTE
That’s great Mike! You just took your excellent software to the next level.
I have added an update to this post with your update. Thanks again!