I have been searching for a Field Day logging program for a couple of years that works on a Raspberry Pi and also works with Winkeyer. A lot of people like CQRlog, but it doesn’t seem to have the “flow” for me when entering QSO’s during Field Day. Another logging program that is used with the Raspberry Pi, is HamRS. It looks like a good choice, however I like to run CW on Field Day and HamRS doesn’t have any support for CW, specifically macros, as well as sending them to Winkeyer.
Just after last year’s Field Day, I stumbled on to FieldDayLogger written by Mike Bridak, K6GTE. He also has a companion program, PyWinKeyer, that works with Winkeyer as well as the CW Macro’s that are part of FDlogger. So this year, I gave FieldDayLogger and PyWinKeyer a try on My Raspberry Pi based Go-Frame.

The look and feel is similar to the infamous N3FJP Field Day software but with a different color scheme – its actually easier on the eyes, especially at night. The FieldDayLogger program uses the same keystrokes as the N3FJP software so if you are familiar with N3FJP’s Field Day logging program, the transition to FieldDayLlogger will be a snap. The one down side to the FieldDayLogger software is that it doesn’t support networking, which is fine for my 1E / single transmitter operation.
UPDATE: Michael Bridak has added Multi-station networking support. This is great news! I haven’t tried it, as I only run one transmitter. You can read more about it in his manual on github. Thanks for your hard work and great contribution Michael!
I’ve gotten around to adding multi-station networking support.
Great write-up! See ya on the air next Field Day.
73, Mike K6GTE
That’s great Mike! You just took your excellent software to the next level.
I have added an update to this post with your update. Thanks again!