On a somewhat unrelated subject, my grandson has always been interested in my small Morse Code key collection. Just before Field Day I found an old HeathKit Code Practice Oscillator and a pair of headphones. So I decided to give it to him on Field Day. As you can see in the photo, was it ever a hit!
Field Day Summary
All in all it was a great Field Day. Our primary bands were 80, 40, and 20 meters. We only run CW and FT8 since those are our two favorite modes. Mine is CW, and my daughter’s is FT8. I was able to copy the W1AW Field Day bulletin on 40 meters PSK and send out messages to the Ohio SM as well as originate 10 other messages. They all were sent out by Winlink. As I said earlier, my Amateur Radio station is 100% off-grid and powered by solar. Our total bonus points was 550. Running 5 watts gave us a multiplier of 5. Total number of contacts was 450. Our total claimed score was 5,050. We are happy with our results, but more than that, we had a lot of fun!
We are already talking about next year’s Field Day! Hope to work you! Here are some other photos from our 2022 ARRL Field Day. 73 de WB8ERJ and KC8GRS operating as N8A

You never cease to amaze me with your ability to adapt and grow and innovate! That was a challenging time with power out for sure. You demonstrated the importance of hams to continue to find ways around issue!
Thanks Scott! I appreciate it!
We have experienced a two day down total ecomm emergency where city officials are looking for ham radios to use. Not many have experienced the no power no water no internet and no cell phone service after the hurricanes we get here in South La. Seven weeks before everything is up and running. But my generac 22kw and dipoles were available and did get used. Ecomm for me is not only in the field but in my case home…….someone has to get the traffic in and out.
Well done!!