First Night Camping
I left the house on a Monday and made a quick activation on the way up at Milan State Wildlife Area, K-9482. I made it to East Harbor before dinner time and got set up. Upon checking the radar, I saw there were storms coming in so I quickly go on 40 phone and made 33 contacts before Late Shift (8:00 PM) then made and additional 22 contacts after 0000 UTC for a Late Shift activation. When the lightning got too close for comfort, I went off the air, and took down the antenna. Lots of rain and lightning ensued.
After the storm passed, it had dropped over an inch of rain. By this time my daughter showed up and pitched her tent. Since it had rained so much she could easily see where NOT to pitch her tent. Once she got everything taken care of, we hung out for a while and then went to sleep.
The Next Day
The next morning it was cloudy and the wind was coming from the north rather briskly. Which meant that the lake was going to be too rough for the boat. However the forecast said that the wind would die down and and the sun would come out. Kevin called and said we might be able to go in the afternoon. Since it was still morning, my daughter and I had plenty of time to go to the Marblehead Lighthouse.
We wandered around the rocks and watched the waves roll in. Around 11 AM I got a text from Kevin saying we are going to try for North Bass Island at 1 PM. We finished up lunch and my daughter headed to the beach while I headed to the boat dock.
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